Recently I posted a forum topic If you DO NOT have a blog over at Etsy to offer some virtual ink to those folks without their own blogs. Had anyone asked me at the beginning of 2007 if I would ever have a blog, I believe my response would have been something like this: You know, I never really thought that I had enough interesting things going on in my life to write about them, let alone freely share thoughts with a bunch of strangers. Today, I have a very different answer, and that is I love to blog! To those of you reading these posts, thanks for indulging my creative spirit, which I have FINALLY allowed to come to the forefront of my life.
In my other life, I worked as a writer for others, generally with a technical writing approach. I forgot what a joy it is to just write what I feel and enjoy and am doing and seeing. On top of that, I have the luxury of not having someone fret over the words I choose and my choice for active voice. "I did this" NOT "This happened to me."
My crusade to help the blogless isn't just an altruistic endeavor, but also a necessary part of my need for self-expression. To those of you just thinking about doing a blog--don't start it until you're ready; and to those of you who are already doing it, blog on!